Do you ever just need to get out of town? Sometimes a girl as just got to kick up her heels and float in a pool for a few days! That is exactly what I just did this weekend, and let me tell you it was worth a year of therapy. Im talking about self medicating child! I hear it all day, people are over-scheduled and just cant find the time to stop it all for a moment. These days what happens is our bodies do it for us by making us feel sick or exhausted. Well my point of this post is to challenge you to self medicate and get out of your life for a weekend. Yes that means away and disconnected, out of the office reply for your life for an entire weekend. Sometimes it seems to me if my blackberry would tell me to breath deeply... I would. So pick up a magazine about summer getaways and pick out your Self Medicating destination. I recommend a quite pool or a cabin in the woods, but whatever suits your tastes is fabulous. The goal here is to totally disconnect from your routine for a weekend, sounds easy but its not. For me the reward is totally worth the sacrifice. I am back to life looking at things through freshly cleaned glasses, and I love allot of what I see and know that some other things could use a tweak. So put down the Ambien take on my Self Medicating Challenge for a weekend soon, and leave some comments a maybe even send me a picture of your relaxing bliss!
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